
Pricing & Packages


All packages include:

Time and talent of the photographer

Online client viewing gallery

Print Release


$125 Indoors / $175 Outdoors

10 edited images

20 minutes

$10/per person after 5


$225 indoors / $275 Outdoors

20 edited images

40-60 minutes

$15/per person after 5



8 edited images

20 minutes


(excluding weddings)

$250 for first hour


full image gallery


Upon booking, I require a non-refundable deposit of $75 in order to lock in your desired date. You are not booked until deposit is paid. The remainder of your balance will be due the day of your session.

I accept cash, check, PayPal, Cash App and Venmo as payment options.

Once your deposit has been paid, we will then schedule our pre-session call. During this call, my hope is to get to know you and your family and your unique story. We will begin our conversation about location and wardrobe, pinning down the best setting and attire to capture that timeless image. We will also go over your vision for our session and expectations for one another.


After our session is completed, within a few days, I will send you a "proofing gallery". This gallery will be rough or completely unedited. This gallery usually is between 50-100 photos (depending on session type) and will be the images with the most potential from our time together. The proofing gallery will be uploaded into a private online gallery where you will create your favorites list and have the option of adding additional notes on a specific image such as: "please edit in B&W" or "acne removal," etc. The images in this gallery will be watermarked and are not for screenshotting, sharing or saving - these are for selection purposes only. Once you have made your selections, I can begin the editing process.


Additional digital images will be available for purchase for additional fee.

I also offer two free digital images in exchange for reviews on my Google business, Yelp, and Facebook page.


TBD for Travel outside Virginia Beach, VA and surrounding area.


skin correction (including bruising, cuts/scrapes, and teeth whitening) : $5/ per image

Acne: $10/ per image

Black and white: $5/ per image

During our pre-session consult, we will discuss any concerns you may have and I will do my best to help guide you in wardrobe selection and on site movement to best address those concerns. I cannot be held accountable for the way clothing moves, how the wind blows, and the effects all of these have reacting to moving bodies. If additional retouch edits are requested, I will do my best to attempt to correct the issue. My goal is for you to love and cherish these memories we create!

Editing Process

Straight out of Camera

You may see this in your proofing gallery, but never as a final delivery. This image will be underexposed, look flat and dark. No changes or alterations have been made to this photo, as the title mentions, it is straight out of the camera.

First Edit

This image has been imported to Lightroom and has been color corrected to my personal style. It may have been straightened and cropped in this stage as well. Some images are finished here, others move on to retouch and a final edit.

Final Edit/Retouch

This image has been brought into Photoshop with all the Lightroom adjustments to either have retouching, removal of items, general clean up or to apply some fine tuning that Lightroom does not allow.

Ready to Begin?